The following is a brief guide to mobility equipment and walking aids for the Children of our society who needs special care in terms of their mobility needs. At NorthAble we have a wide range of equipment and professional consultants who are ready to give FREE valuable advice. 
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Choosing the right Chairs for Elderly and Disabled People


When it comes to choosing a chair there are several categories like an armchair for people with disabilities as well as high back chairs which provide support to the upper body and having wings can support the shoulders neck and head. There are typically good chairs with high-sided armrests for security, healthy, upright posture, and offer comfort.

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A rollator is also known as a walker with wheels and frames that provide stability and assist in walking for its users and often comes with useful accessories such as a seat, brakes, shopping basket, and much more.

The most robust of the walking frames/rollators are known for their lightweight aluminum range that is strong, easy to maneuver, and intended for outdoor use.

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A walking frame is a portable device that provides support for someone who can stand but might be having issues to walk independently. Walking frames are also helpful for those with stiff or weak joints, arthritis, or any injury that restricts their ability to move on their own.

Normally walking frames come with four legs but they come in different varieties and designs like some are intended to be used indoors only while others can be used outdoors.


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